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Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is an additional amount of money given to schools, on top of their main budget. Every school receives a fixed amount of money per pupil for all pupils meeting certain criteria. The main criterion is eligibility for free school meals at any given point within the last 6 years or those children who have been cared for by the Local Authority for at least 6 months. The money is provided to schools so that we can raise attainment and progress for this group of pupils.

Who are our disadvantaged pupils?

Our disadvantaged pupils are those who are currently children looked after (CLA), have parents in the armed forces, are eligible for free school meals and who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years.

All staff have been informed which pupils are eligible for the pupil premium to ensure that learning is personalised and provision is monitored through data analysis and teaching and learning. Teachers and mentors will track and report against the pupil premium cohort to evidence the impact of closing the gap.


Sport Pupil Premium

The Sports premium Grant is a lump sum payment to all maintained and state funded schools in England.  At Compass School we work in partnership with a range of partners to deliver positive engagement in physical activities.  These sessions are focused on improving attendance and enjoyment in learning.