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We aim for an environment that enables and encourages everyone to work together for the benefit of our pupils.  For them to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly and they should be at school, on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.

It is very important therefore that pupils attend regularly and this policy sets out how together we will achieve this.

All children and young people in Southampton should be receiving their full entitlement to education so that they are equipped to fulfil their potential and make good choices as young adults and citizens, for themselves and their communities.

The foundation to ensuring that children, young people and their families within Southampton achieve their full potential, is to create an ethos in which excellent school attendance is developed and nurtured.  This will involve a partnership between the young people themselves, families, schools, all colleagues in People Directorate and the range of agencies and groups that work within the city to improve outcomes for all children and young people. Any absence affects the pattern of the young person’s schooling and regular absence will seriously affect their learning.  Any pupil’s absence disrupts teaching routines so may affect the learning of others in the same class.

Table Heading Table Heading


Attendance Figure Days absent by the end of the year Days absent by the end of year 11






¼ of a year



½ of a year



¾ of a year



1 whole year






Parents and Carers

Parents are responsible in law for ensuring that their children of compulsory school age receive an education suitable to their age, ability, aptitude and any special educational needs that they may have.

Parents should ensure that:

·         Their children arrive at school on time, properly dressed and ready to learn;

·         They notify their child’s school if he/she is absent.  This should be done as soon as possible on the first day of absence.  They should also provide an explanation for the absence. 

·         Parent/carers are expected to phone the school on 02380 215 320 or text 07756292553 if a pupil is unable to attend. Alternatively, parents/carers may notify the Attendance Officer via 

·         Where possible they do not arrange doctors, medical, or dental appointments during school hours;

·         They understand that no leave of absence during a school term will be approved or authorised except in exceptional circumstances, in line with government recommendations.

To enable their children to make the most of the educational opportunities available to them, it is advisable that parents should:

·         Instil in their children an appreciation of the importance of attending school regularly;

·         Be aware of the Attendance Policy of their child/children’s school;

·         Impress upon their children the need to observe the school’s code of conduct;

·         Take an active interest in their children’s school career, praising and encouraging good work and behaviour and attending parents’ evenings and other relevant meetings;

·         Work in partnership with their child/children’s school to resolve issues which may lead to non-attendance